Friday, October 14, 2011

Swedish food brands are off the shelves at IKEA

It seems that many Swedish communities outside Sweden are talking about the fact that IKEA is taking Swedish food brands off the shelves in their stores. Instead, IKEA will sell food with their own brand, which would not only remove some of the things expat Swedes like to buy, but also undermine the perception of what  Swedish food is; at least according to some.

Personally, I could do without most of the food that IKEA sells, but, when there, I usually pick up a few items, such as caviar, lingonberry drink, and Ahlgrens bilar for Christer.

What I miss most from Sweden is Swedish books by Swedish authors and magazines.

If you live outside Sweden and feel that you will miss some of the food items that IKEA sells, please send me an e-mail and let me know what these items are. Also, let me know what other things you bring back to Seattle when you have visited Sweden.

And if you live in Seattle, I have my first give-away to offer; a bottle of "ljus sirap". To get it, all you need to do is enter a comment and tell me for what it will be used:)


  1. Jag kommer att göra knäck! Ingen jul utan knäck! /Carolina

  2. Strange! Why are they doing that? Buying "Ikea" brand food is one step away from canned bread and chicken in a jar.
