Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ban gasoline powered leaf blowers!

I just want to say that I detest gasoline powered leaf blowers.

The noise they make, the pollution they let out, and the harm they do to the person holding it.

Is there anyone else out there who feels the same?

Microsoft free images

What's wrong with raking, or just letting nature take care of it?!


  1. Yes, there are many. And time for their demise will come. See my text on the death of leaf blowers (and many other things).


  2. So Mr Pargman, I am not alone thinking about the silliness of this gadget:)

    1. no, you sure aren't alone.
      i'm considering trying to get this issue on the Seattle City Council's agenda. should we start a group on this? email me at rileyintibet@yahoo.com
