Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Peter Callesen: A master of paper cuts

It is not only the Japanese who can make beautiful things out of paper.

In Denmark, Peter Callesen has created some fantastic pieces of art out of paper. These paper cuts are ingeniously made and brings the paper alive in more than one way.


Half Way Through, 2006

Running fire II, 2010

White hand, 2007

And here are some of his framed paper cuts.

Dead angels, 2007

Saving himself, 2007

The painter III, 2008

The birds of the air, 2009

The roots of heaven, 2009

For those of you who have not seen the documentary Between the folds, I can highly recommend it. It takes you beyond most origami creations that you have previously seen.


  1. Fantastiskt fint !! Vilket hantverk ! Jag gillar verkligen papperskonst så jag tackar för tipset, nu skall jag se dokumentären !! :)

  2. Tack Berså för att du tittade in på min blogg.
